
Thursday, July 4, 2013

Early July Garden Visitor

I'm trying to make a habit of regularly taking panoramic pictures of the big garden on the back hill, to have a record through the season of what's blooming when.  I was out taking a series of pictures for early July when I spotted a visitor to the butterfly bushes along the fence.  I had my camera on the tripod, so I was able to move in part way and use the full zoom of the camera and still get some sharp pictures.

We've got 4 butterfly bushes against the back fence. We had one in a previous house and know that they grow big quickly, so we decided to use them for natural screening.

It's an extra bonus that the screening attracts such wonderful visitors. This guy stayed around and let me get about a dozen pictures of his summer glory out in the afternoon sun.  I haven't gotten any pictures yet of a couple of chipmunks that we're seen playing in the yard and on the patio.  But, I was able to get a video of a baby rabbit who came to join our cookout a few weeks ago.  

For now I'm going to work on stitching together the panoramic shots I took to add today's status to the library of pictures for this summer.


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