
Sunday, November 3, 2013

Our Family is Growing

This year has been over taken with issues with the four legged members of the family.  Between Jume and October we lost four dogs, one to dementia and 3 to cancer,  There are earlier posts on this blog to each of them written as we had to say goodbye.

Now I am able to post about the healing we have found as new four legged children have entered the family.

Truman has been with us for about 2 years and has gone through all this with us.  I don't know what he is thinking about all of it, with familiar dogs leaving and new dogs coming into the house.

Shortly after Labor day we welcomed Precious to the family.

She came in as a foster for Oldies But Goodies Cocker Rescue, but we realized very quickly that she had found her forever home.  I am very clearly her person, and she is my dog (but don't tell Gloria - it's a secret.)

Precious has lots of energy and has lightened up the household with her youth and excitement. Every time we open the back door she races out, even if she was just out 2 minutes earlier.

About a week ago we picked up anothe Foster for OBG, his name is Buddy Bear.

He's found a home here as well, we just haven't done the paperwork yet.  We hope he'll get the collar off on Tuesday when he has an appointment with the vet.  He had a minor lesion removed from his eyelid and we don't want him scratching.

And on Friday we picked up Jacque from Tired Dog Rescue. He was transported up here from Mississippi by Rescue Road Trip.  We were told he has a wonderful temperament, and it's true.  Even though he's the newcomer to the pack, he is fitting in well.

It's a time of healing and filling the lonely places we were left with over the summer of losses. We have been fortunate to be introduced to these lovely new members of our family.

1 comment:

  1. You guys are awesome. Love to Sadie, Austin, Hardy & Layla in dog heaven, and to Truman, Precious, Buddy Bear & Jacques in dog heaven on Earth, the Coliton house!
