
Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Late Winter Update on What's Growing

It's early March now and we have been weathering the storms, and I haven't been posting much to the blog recently. But I have still been poking my head out and taking pictures.  But mostly when I look outside lately I see variations on this:


Not that that is bad, but any thoughts of spending time outside doing anything other than playing with the snowblower gets a chilly reception.  Of course, I could look to the other side of the yard...

I have been able to find a few things growing though.

My crop of ice has been renewing and growing steadily, I'm afraid that it's an invasive species and will overtake my native plants.

The boxwood in the front yard show significant signs of being overwhelmed.

Under the ice are cherry blossom buds. I hope they were not damaged by the glazing ice.

This is the Red Maple in the backyard. I'm afraid the ice is invading and overwhelming everything. 

I did see the rosemary bush trying to make it through its first winter. 

I guess I'll retreat to the inside and enjoy...

A fire in the fireplace.

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