So I'll start with a panorama of the back garden from pictures taken yesterday afternoon.
The flowers in bloom right now are Yellow Primrose, Rose Campion, and Cucumbers, Zucchini, and Tomatoes.
I'll let the Primrose go first since they are the flashiest.
They are all over the hill, but they're so pretty that I'm happy to see them. They are also accompanied by Rose Campions.
It's taken a couple years, and some help, to identify what the Rose Campions are, but now I know what they are so that I can call them by name.
Over on the far right of the yard (in the big square planter) is the vegetable garden. This is our first year planting vegetables so we're excited to see all the blossoms and nascent vegetables on the vines. I didn't get pictures of the zucchini blossoms or the tomato flowers, but here is a picture of some cucumber flowers.
We've put bird netting over the vegetable garden to try and protect the veggies until we can harvest them.
And it wouldn't be a celebration around here (Father's Day this weekend) without food. I butterflied a chicken and rubbed some garlic herb butter under the skin before I grilled it. We also had corn on the cob, roasted veggies, grilled pineapple and (not shown) cowboy beans, bread and brie, and a bottle of Far Eastern Shore wine - Lotus.
And some no sugar added blueberry pie for dessert. It was a good day to enjoy the flowering garden and family gathered for dinner.
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