Happy Layla
We lost another dog to cancer last night. Here is a post written by Gloria.
Happy Layla – that is who she was. She touched so many hearts in her short time in OBG. Shortly after coming into OBG it was discovered that she was a very sick little girl, but without looking at her labwork, you would never know it. She stole your heart immediately. She was such a happy little girl. Her little nub was constantly going at a speed that couldn’t be clocked. Despite being blind, it didn’t slow her down. She would practically beat me down the hall to the bedroom or into the kitchen. She was right at my feet. She enjoyed simple things, ear scratches, belly rubs, sleeping in a pile of clean clothes, squeaky stuffed toys, and homemade pumpkin treats. Her favorite thing to do was get up in bed and nuzzle up next to us on her back and have her belly rubbed. She didn’t like being alone and would let you know it immediately if you left the room. She enjoyed evenings in front of the TV where she would go to sleep in my lap as we were winding down for the night. All that mattered to her was that she was loved. She passed to Rainbow Bridge last night in her sleep. She was a beautiful little girl. We are honored to have had the opportunity to love her and be loved by her for her last weeks. To be able to be that content and happy despite everything that has been going on in life is a gift. Thank you Layla, for sharing your precious little life with us, you will forever be in our hearts and home.

I'm so sorry you are going through this. I know how hard this is. How wonderful that she had a good home with you at the end.
ReplyDeleteThank you for your kind words. Reading your blog and seeing your dogs was one of the influences that got me started with this humble effort. It's been over-run by the dogs, but the garden is still a big part of the blog. It's been getting trimmed, cleaned up, and ready for winter lately.