I'm cheating a little, I decided to take advantage of a Sunday afternoon for my pictures and blog post for Mid July instead of trying to get lucky on weather on Tuesday evening after work. We've been getting a lot of afternoon thunderstorms over the last couple of weeks, but today is bright, sunny, and hot. So I'm taking advantage of the sun, and the excuse to sit in the air conditioning and post on the blog.
First, the mid July panorama:
There's a lot of green, but not a lot of color - but it's there if you look. We talked to our neighbor about the tall spikey growths in the center (and all over really) and couldn't decide if they're weeds or not. I'm willing to give it some time and see if it flowers and what any flowers look like. Here's a closer look.
Against the back fence we are just in the last two days getting blossoms on the butterfly bushes. There are four of them back there. And with the blossoms I was able to get some pictures of a white moth checking out the blooms.
Over in the vegetable garden, we're still getting blooms as the vegetables are continuing to come in.
Tomato buds. |
Zucchini blossoms |
And inside the fence at the far right (over by the holly trees) we have a flourishing patch of phlox.
And there are still just a few of the June bloomers, the rose campion and the yellow primrose.
And we have a visitor who is growing under the fence from our neighbor's yard - a day lily.
I know that the lily is potentially poisonous to the dogs, but I haven't wanted to pull it out. I've accepted that despite my professed intent to create a totally pet friendly garden, I'm not really ready to pull out all the plants I would need to. It would mean getting rid of the big cherry tree, the azaleas, and enough others that I had to come to terms with my goal. I will continue to try not to add any hazardous plants, but in 4 years here we haven't had any problems with the dogs chewing on the plants (running them down - yes; eating - no) Maybe I'll need to refocus and work on rescuing the garden from the dogs.